Mr N.K.D. Naigamwala used to print the letterheads for his personal usage or for his stamp business. In this post, I want to record two such letterheads printed on air letters of Burma. The type I is printed on the 1946 King George VI Air Letter sheet. Together with this letterhead, he pre-printed the message for his stamp business. At this time, he noted himself as Proprietor of Burma Stamp Agency. It is displayed below.
Type I
The type II is found printed on 1950 Flying Hintha Air Letter sheet. The message is not printed on this type. He titled himself as Philatelist in this letterhead and he became the member of PTS London. His stated mailing address on both types is P.O. Box No 400, 155, 40th Street (Top Floor), Rangoon, Burma.
Type II
The stamp he designed and his photo are printed. He also introduced himself in the letterhead as follows.
"Mr. N.K.D. NAIGAMWALA [spelt as NAIGAMWALLA in second type], the Indian Parsee Pioneer of Organized Philately in Burma, and his design of the Eight Annas Postage Stamp, depicting a Burma Sailing Vessel on the Irrawaddy, for which he was awarded a prize in the 1938 Government of Burma Pictorial Stamps Design Competition and which has been deemed by members of the Royal Philatelic Society of London to be the best of the new Pictorial Series of stamps, practically all of which bear the impress of the appropriate suggestions made by Mr. Naigamwalla for imitating and improvement by other competitors with a view to producing the best possible stamps for Burma, the land of his adoption.
Mr. Naigamwalla has written a book of English verse, entitled "Reflections at Random" and has fostered constitutional Professional Boxing in Burma by founding the Burma Boxing Board of Control."
Extract from "SWARNA BHOOMI", RANGOON, Issue October 1939.