Thursday, 29 June 2023

"STAMP LOVER" solo exhibition by U Sit Aung

MPS Vice President U Sit Aung organized a captivating solo stamp exhibition called "STAMP LOVER" at the Artist Gallery Café in Yangon. The exhibition took place from June 26th to 28th 2023 at No. 99, Lamai Condo, Myaynu Road, Sanchang Township. The exhibition was open for visitors between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm.  The event showcased a diverse collection of Burma and International stamps, along with other philatelic items. Enthusiasts and individuals interested in stamps had the opportunity to attend the exhibition and explore these captivating artifacts. The event received support from both attendees and MPS team members, contributing to its success. 

Friday, 23 June 2023

Myanmar Endemic Bird Species Series

Between 2022 and 2023, Myanmar Post issued a stamp series showcasing endemic bird species native to Myanmar. This collection comprises a total of nine beautifully designed stamps. 

Each stamp presents the bird's name in Burmese, its corresponding English name, scientific name, and the date of issue. Below are the details for each stamp in the series:

Since the series was issued as a cohesive collection, the technical information remains consistent across all stamps. Here are the identical technical details that apply to the entire series:

Technical Details of Stamps

Printer : Security Printing Works (Myanmar)
Printing Process : Offset
Stamp Size and Format : 42 mm x 30 mm (Horizontal)
Color : 4
Perforation : 14
Denomination : K200
Sheet Composition :  50 Stamps per Sheet
Quantity : 200,000 pc per design
Stamp Designer : Ahmonoo
Subject Matter Consultants : Dalaban, Dr Thein Aung (Ornithologist), Dr Kyaw Myint Maung (Philatelist), Dr Thiri Dae We Aung (Ornithologist)
Design Consultants :  Kyaw Myo Naing, Academy Zin Yaw MgMg (Film), Thiha Lwin (TMH)
Stamp Photo : Wild Wings Group

Myanmar Post has sold official first day covers and stamp information cards that provide comprehensive details about each stamp and the featured bird. These items are available for purchase at a price of 200 Kyats per unit. Additionally, the Myanmar Philatelic Society has issued a limited edition folder exclusively for its members, which serves as a special collectible item and is distributed free of charge.  Some examples of collectable items related to this series are shown below.

FDC by U Sein Min

FDC by U Chan Myae Aung

Maxicards by U Sit Aung

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Recent updates on my involvements in philatelic societies (2023)

Burma (Myanmar) Philatelic Study Circle, UK

The Burma (Myanmar) Philatelic Study Circle, B(M)PSC in short, recently held its annual general meeting on April 1st, 2023, in a virtual format. The existing committee members were re-elected during this meeting, and I am pleased to report that I will continue to hold the position of Committee Member without office. Congratulations to the entire team on their successful re-election.

In addition to the committee member re-elections, I am thrilled to share that I was made a Life Member of the society during this meeting. It is an honor to receive this recognition, and I am humbled by the support of all members present.

B(M)PSC COMMITTEE (2023-2025)

Chairman / Treasurer

Rufus Barnes


Michael Whittaker




Richard Warren

Committee Member

Mike Ley

Committee Member

Toe Kyaw Kyar

The Burma (Myanmar) Philatelic Study Circle is a UK based organisation with an international membership, for collectors of all aspects of Burma. It was founded in 2005, and grew out of the UK Chapter of the “old” Burma Philatelic Study Circle, which existed from 1979 to 2000 and published The Burma Peacock under the very able editorship of Alan Meech in Canada.

The main benefit to B(M)PSC members is our quarterly journal, The Burma Fantail, successor to the Peacock, which is mailed printed and stapled in full colour, or emailed as a colour pdf file. Twice yearly, UK members meet in London at Stampex; meetings are cordial and members’ displays are always interesting and worthwhile.

For a sample back issue of the Fantail in pdf format please contact the Editor, Richard Warren, at For details of current memberships rates, or to join, please contact our Secretary, Mike Whittaker, at   

Zui You Philatelic Society, Singapore

Zui You philatelic society also held its AGM on 16 Apr 2023, together with the mini-auction for society's fund raising, and the member's display.  Members brought some philatelic items to display.  A new exco has been elected for the term 2023-2025.  My heartfelt congratulations to new exco for being elected.

ZUI YOU EXCO (2023-2025)

Honorary Advisor

Tan Kan Buay

Executive Advisor

Henry Ong Seow Yee FRPSL
PresidentDr Zhao Jia

1st Vice President

Seow Shin Horng
2nd Vice President

Alan Chong Siow Min
Honorary SecretaryDr Wang Lei
Asst Honorary SecretarySoh Poh Cheng
Honorary TreasurerDr Eric Lee
Asst Honorary TreasurerFong Weng Khin
Executive MemberLoo Wing Tek
Executive MemberWong Han Min
Executive MemberEr Chiang Song

The new exco appointed the below non-exco positions.  The position of Exhibition Champion is responsible to keep record of members' success at the national, international and world exhibitions.  It is also to record the member's contributions to the exhibitions, like serving as Juror or Commissioner.



Terence Wee
Exhibition ChampionHong Jia Yang

Exhibition Champion

Toe Kyaw Kyar

Myanmar Philatelic Society, Myanmar

I will continue my position as the Editor of The Burma StaMPS journal.  The Burma StaMPS is a quarterly newsletter and journal published by the Myanmar Philatelic Society. It primarily serves members and includes local philatelic news and articles about Burma and world philately. The digital version is distributed for free, and each issue is 20 pages long and published in full color. In addition to the digital version, an annual volume is printed as hard copies and distributed. This provides members with a physical collection of the year's publications for easy reference.  The Journal started to publish its Volume I in the year 2022.

Illustration of AGM created using AI Image Creator

Monday, 5 June 2023

Thakin Kodaw Hmaing's Correspondence

The cover displayed below immediately caught my attention. It was addressed to the renowned and esteemed figure, "Thakin Kodaw Hmaing," whose office was located at Doh Bamar Ashi Ayone, No 64, Shwe Taung Kyar, Rangoon. The sender of this registered letter was Ma Ma Gyi, residing at Aye Nyeing Thar Yar Chaung, Mingun Taungyoe, Sagaing District. The letter was dispatched on September 2, 1944.

The cover was adorned with twelve 5c stamps, totaling 60c, which covered both the registration fee of 30c and the postage cost of 30c. It is believed that the letter weighed approximately 30g.

Thakin Kodaw Hmaing

Thakin Kodaw Hmaing is widely recognized as one of the greatest Burmese poets, writers, and political leaders of the 20th century in Burma. His contributions extend beyond his literary genius, as he is often referred to as the Father of Burmese nationalist and peace movements. Even today, his profound influence on subsequent generations can be observed in both the realm of literature and the ongoing political landscape in Myanmar.