Thursday 23 May 2024


As a collector, I've always cherished the first day covers sent to me by my friends in Myanmar whenever there's a new stamp issue. Recently, I received one such cover in a plastic bag, which stimulated my interest. The bag was labeled "RE-PACKED MAIL ITEM" and came from Foreign Post, Myanma Post & Telecommunications (MPT). These bags have been in use since 2004.

It's fascinating to see that these same bags are still in use 20 years later, in 2024. Following a rebranding in 2015, Myanma Post & Telecommunications is now known as Myanmar Post. The bag measures 17.8 cm x 31 cm, and I learned that there is also a larger version of this bag available.  The text on the bag is printed in English. The cover inside was properly canceled and secured in the bag with staples. The printed text on the bag reads as follows:


We regret to inform you that the enclosed mail item received in damaged condition during transit before despatch to your office.

Myanmar Post has re-packed the said item in plastic wrapper and sent to you for further disposal.

Any inconvenience caused to you is much regretted.

There are two sizes of such bags recorded and larger one measures 30.48 cm x 50.8 cm.  My special thanks to U Khin Maung Yee for his help in finding the big bag.

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